The royals

The royal family has been on the news several times since the start of the year.

We began with more information about Prince Andrew and his chum Jeffrey Epstein, with allegations of involvement in sex tapes. Prince Henry (Harry) has been involved in libel claims against a newspaper which he has now withdrawn. Recently, the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate) has been in hospital for an operation, and now the King (Charles) went in for a procedure and some form of cancer was discovered.

Of course, the royals going into hospital did not have to endure the months long waits we subjects do.

Whenever the royals grab the headlines, someone somewhere asks “what good are they?”. This happened to me just yesterday. And, at some point, someone else always says “good for tourism”.

So, let’s make it clear, and the point of today’s blog. If you are coming to London, expecting to see royals wandering around and perhaps meet one, you are going to be sadly disappointed.

They don’t do that. The royals inhabit their own private world, want for nothing and generally have a good life. Occasionally, one will make an appearance as part of their duties, perhaps opening a library, but mostly not.

Having lived in London for more than 40 years, we have seen live royals just twice. Once was the Queen opening London Bridge, the other was Diana with her boys on the South Bank going to a Cirque Du Soleil show.

You don’t get to see the royals. You may get to see palaces and castles and stately homes and towers, you may see the Changing of the Guard. These things may have a royal connection, as does the Tower of London, but if the royal family stopped existing tomorrow, these things would still be there and you could still see them. In fact, some of them may open up to more public gaze.

So, don’t be disappointed if you don’t get to see Princess Anne. Or Queen Camilla.

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Just like so many places, there are words, place names that are pronounced differently from the way they are written. Here are some you may come across:

Greenwich – Gren-itch

Leicester – Less-ter

Dulwich – Dull-itch

Berkeley – Bark-lay (or maybe Bar-clay)

Chiswick – Chizz-ick

Borough – Buh-ruh

Fulham – FULL-ham (emphasis on the first bit)

Holborn – Ho-bun

Marylebone – Marley-bone

Grosvenor – Grove-nor

Ruislip – Rye-slip

Woolwich – Wool-itch

Gloucester – Gloss-ter

Worcestershire – Woostersher

Quay – Key

Euston – You-ston

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Chat room

We have added a chat room in case you want to leave a quick message:

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